
Lena Plaut

  • Total activity 416
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  • Followed by 3 users
  • Votes 5
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Recent activity by Lena Plaut Sort by recent activity Recent activity Votes
  • Membership Metrics

    Introduction Membership Metrics is a new feature that offers a quick-reference tool for monitoring the performance and metrics of Membership sales. Containing a summary of the most commonly request...

  • Introducing Membership Metrics

    We’re happy to announce the launch of Membership Metrics — a convenient new tool designed to give you quick, easy access to the most important data points related to your membership sales. Now, yo...

  • Mobile Food & Beverage FAQs

    Frequently Asked Questions What is Mobile Food & Beverage? Mobile Food & Beverage is our latest integration with Truffle, a partnership that gives guests the power to order food from any device. Wi...

  • Time Play with the CenterEdge Card System

    One use case for player cards is to configure them as Time Play cards and allow guests unlimited access to certain games and attractions for a set period of time, which can be configured in Item Ma...

  • Evite Benefits and Guest Experience

    Advantage webstores offer those who have booked an event the opportunity to invite attendees with personalized evites that include relevant details and can include links to any required waivers and...

  • Razor POS

    Introduction The CenterEdge Razor POS is a new All-in-One POS system that replaces the previous Touch Dynamic Breeze. The device is the sleekest, next generation terminal with widescreen design and...

  • Datalogic Mobile Ticketing Setup

    This document outlines how to set up a Datalogic mobile computer device to use the Advantage Mobile Ticketing app. Setup in the Software Manager Console From Manager Console, click Maintenance. Do...

  • Notifications Overview

    Your browser does not support the HTML5 video element Notifications are automatic communications that can be sent out based on a schedule, or upon certain occurrences. These triggers for se...

  • Managing Event Deadlines With Milestones and Notifications

      When managing individual events and parties, there are some steps, such as finalization, you have to perform during the course of its life. There are often many more things you may want to do or ...

  • Ecommerce Analytics, Custom Head Content, and Scripts

    Important Note If you are using the Legacy version of the Advantage web stores, the below information will not apply! Please contact CenterEdge Support for additional information. Advantage We...