There are nine tabs in General System Settings, which control the functionality of various options for Advantage.
Access General System Settings
- From Manager Console, click Maintenance.
- Double-click System Settings.
- Double-click General System Settings.
Tab Breakdown
Location Tab
Changing this tab will cause a license error, and render any add-on modules inoperable. Contact Support if you need to change this information, so they can update your license.
Billing Address Tab
This tab contains your billing address, which is reflected on invoices. You can make changes to this tab as necessary.
Logo Tab
This tab lets you add logos to various elements of the software. Click Load... next to the one you want to add. The following describes where each logo shows up:
Logo: This will show up on your POS screen.
Small logo: This shows up on reports and invoices.
Receipt Logo: This prints on receipts at the POS.
Date & Times Tab
This tab lets you specify shift settings.
Shift Date is the current shift date.
Shift Date Change Time is the current shift date rollover time.
Set Weekend Time, if enabled, lets you specify a time after which to implement weekend pricing.
Weekend Pricing Starts Friday At is the time on Friday the weekend pricing starts.
Tender Tab
These settings adjust tender functions in the POS. Select the corresponding box to enable/disable the following settings:
Decimal Point Required: You must enter in a decimal for cents.
Allow Check Over Payment: Checks can be written for more than the balance due.
Require Check Number: Requires check numbers to be supplied when accepting check payments.
Enable Payment Plan Tender: Tender form will display “Payment Plan” tender option.
Allow Credit Limit Auto Increase: Cashier can automatically increase a customer’s A/R credit limit for a Payment Plan tender if required.
Ask for Gift Certificate Number: Cashiers will be asked to enter the gift certificate number.
Enable Linking to Credit Token: This will enable you to associate credit card tokens with various media to securely enable payments without the customer's physical card.
Credit Card Tokenization Requires Passphrase - This passphrase will need to be verified each time a user tries to pay at the POS with tokenized media. The below options let you further customize tokenization:
- Max Short Term Spending Limit sets the max amount a customer can spend with the media during a day.
- Max Long Term 30 Day Spending Limit sets the max amount customers can spend during a 30 day period.
- Maximum Days Short-term Token Valid sets how long a card is associated to media before the card information needs to be collected again.
- Maximum Amount Allowed For A Gift Certificate Tender sets a maximum limit for a gift certificate tender, if needed.
System Default Currency sets the local currency and selecting Use Currency Code Instead of Symbol will set the system to not use the currency symbol.
Max Cash Change is the max amount of cash that can be returned as change.
Receipt Culture sets the language on receipts.
Discount Tab
These settings adjust discount functions. Select the corresponding box to enable/disable the following:
Get Employee for Discounts: Employees will need to provide their PIN/ID to receive a discount
Daily Max # of Employee Discounts: Restricts the max number of discounts an employee can use in a day.
Daily Max value of Employee Discounts: The max dollar amount an employee can have discounted during a day.
Enable Discount Rounding: Provides the ability to round discounts to a set value.
BOGO discounts apply to the highest price items: The buy one get one discount applies only to the highest priced item in a sale.
Tills Tab
These settings adjust various cash control and POS functions. Select the corresponding box to enable/disable the following:
Print Cash Out receipt: After cashing out, a receipt will print if a printer is enabled, which will override the report.
Print Cash Out report: After cashing out, this generates the Till History report for the till.
Show computed amount in Cash Out: The computed tender amount will be shown on forms and receipts when cashing out.
Ask for tip out amount in Cash Out: Users will be prompted for a tip amount when cashing out, if the till has gratuity.
Force all tips to be tipped out: Requires tips to be cashed out.
Simplified Cash Drop: Cash drops go to a central till instead of the manager’s till.
Allow drawer override: Manager/authorized users can sign in to a cashier’s till.
Print Remove Till receipt: After the Remove Till button is used, a receipt will print.
Enable POS Cash Out and receipt: The cashier is allowed to begin the cash out process from the POS, and a receipt is printed showing till details. The till status is then set to Held.
Suppress Manager receipt copy: The second copy of the till cash out receipt will not be printed.
Use detailed/long receipt: Uses the long report style version of the cash out receipt.
Other Tab
Employee PIN Required: Employees will be asked to enter in a PIN number in addition to their ID.
Use Keyboard for Zip Codes: Allows the entering of a zip code for a survey.
Enable Barcode Ticket ID’s: Enables the system to read the scanned barcode as the Ticket ID.
Number of Tickets to Print Before Delay and Number of MSecs to Delay Between Ticket Groups: Lets you adjust ticket printing intervals to prevent jams if necessary.
System Wide Pole Display Idle Message Lines 1 and 2: Allows you to customize text for any poll displays you may be using.
Deferred Revenue Tab
The settings on this tab relate to deferred revenue in the system.
Enable Rental Deferred Revenue: If selected, rental revenue is deferred.
Deferred Revenue Division Allocation: Allows you to select the division to allocate to for Canceled/Expired passes or tickets.
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