Frequently Asked Questions
Why don't I see the new options for Event Agreements in Groups?
Users should upgrade to the 2025 LTS as soon as it is available and verify you are on a minimum of version 24.19. For access to Email Template and Event Type editing, certain security rights are required as discussed below.
How do I send an email requesting a signature as a person scheduling an event?
Use either the Email Reservation button or the new Request Signature button to email the event contact. When the |Signature Link| token is included in the selected email template, the email received will include a link where the agreement can be signed. When a link is included, the Reservation Report attachment is bypassed/not included with the email.
What if I don’t need to get a signature on an event document?
Requesting a signature is entirely optional. Any email template that does not include the |Signature Link| token can be mapped to the Email Reservation button to use it to send a reservation agreement as it was done previously with an attachment.
Is there a special security right required to set this up and use it?
A user must have the Event Type Maintenance security right (under Groups/Setup) to select templates to assign as default templates for Reservation and Signature Request emails. Setting up these templates requires Email Template Maintenance security right (under Console/Edit Functions). Once the templates are set up, any Groups user with Event Editing right can generate and send the signature request.
How long and where will the signed document be stored?
Currently, a signed document is stored indefinitely in the Cloud, and can be accessed/saved in PDF format from the Groups application, using the Inspect (magnifying glass) button on the Event Editor Agreements tab. Unsigned documents may be discarded after approximately 30 days. Cancelled documents are not saved.
Can I change the format of the document that requires a signature?
The Reservation Report is used as the agreement document. It must be a Telerik report that takes a Group Reference Number as a parameter, and we recommend using the standard reservation reports for this purpose. Formatting on the report is non-optional, however the Event Disclaimer included is copied from the event type definition, and can be changed there.
Can I change the signature request email being sent to customers?
Yes. Any Email Template that includes the Signature Link token can be used (default, or selected dynamically) to notify a customer that a signature is being requested. You must use either the Email Reservation or the Request Signature button to send it, and the applicable Reservation Report is shown as the Agreement to be signed. The token must be included in the template being used, for the link to be properly handled.
Will my customer receive an email with the signed document attached?
The signed document is not emailed to the person who completed the signature automatically at this time. The original link that the customer received can still be used to view the document once it is signed. The document is in PDF format, and can be downloaded and printed. It is also available in the Groups application, by using the Inspect (magnifying glass) button on the Agreements tab. The user can email a copy to the customer by downloading/saving it, then using a generic email, and attaching it.
What if the details of the reservation are changed prior to getting a signature?
A reservation can be updated in many ways prior to and on the date of the event. Any changes that are made that reflect on the Reservation Agreement will be updated dynamically on the Agreement document, if the signature is still Pending.
What if the details of the reservation are changed after getting a signature?
Once a Reservation Agreement is signed, the document cannot be updated, and it will be necessary to send another request, if a signature is required, to acknowledge the changes.
How can I view the signed document, or what was sent?
The Agreement document is available to the user in the Groups application, by using the Inspect (magnifying glass) button on the Agreements tab. Both Pending and Signed documents can be viewed. Cancelled documents are not available to view.
Are there reports for this feature?
Yes. These new reports are in the Groups\Other Reports section and include:
Reservation Agreements Status
A date range for the events is required, and an optional Event Type can be selected. Key information on the event contact, as well as the current Agreement status (including None) will appear. -
Outstanding Reservation Agreements
Shows all events (as far back as one year) with Pending agreements (not signed). This report does not show events where no agreement with a signature request was sent.
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