Important Note
If you are using the Legacy version of the Advantage web stores, the below information will not apply! Please contact CenterEdge Support for additional information.
Advantage Web only officially supports Google Tag Manager (GTM) for analytics and conversion tracking, but our implementation for analytics scripts allows for any other third-party scripts to be added in addition to, or instead of, GTM. Many of our clients successfully add scripts for Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, GTM, and others. Even custom scripts have been executed successfully.
Initial Setup
Before you add or configure a script in your Advantage Web store, you will need admin access to the store.
You will also need to create accounts with any third parties for which you would like to use analytics/tracking services, such as Google Tag Manager.
Adding a Script
- When you're ready to add your script, log in to your admin account and click the small gear icon at the top of the page.
- Click System Settings.
- Click Options.
- From the General section, click Analytics.
- You may have to click the down arrow to reveal more options depending on the size of your browser window.
- You may have to click the down arrow to reveal more options depending on the size of your browser window.
- To use this field for any purpose, select Google Tag Manager from the pull-down list.
- Paste the script or scripts into the Script field to add it/them to the body of your webstore's HTML, or into the Custom Header HTML field to add it to the head.
- All content must be valid HTML.
- All content must be valid HTML.
- Click Save.
Scripts sometimes need some configuration before they are added to the store. For this, please reference the documentation provided by the third party that is supplying the script.
Once the script has been saved, the steps needed on the Advantage web side are complete. You will then need to, if you haven't already, configure the scripts using any tools provided by the third party. CenterEdge can't assist with this part of the process, but we can provide some helpful information:
Analytics Specific Information
After-Checkout URL for Conversion Tracking
The URL a customer sees after checkout will always follow the same format:
Where {storeName} will be replaced by your business name (check your URL to make sure you have this right), and {uniqueOrderId} is replaced by a 36-character unique identifier that should be ignored for most purposes.
Data Layer
Advantage Web implements the Standard Ecommerce data layer as documented here: The linked documentation will outline the variables and method used for placement and usage of the dataLayer.
The dataLayer is only added to the after-checkout page for completed transactions.
To enable the dataLayer for your site, you must have Google Tag Manager selected in the Analytics section as described above.
Google Analytics 4 Transition
If you are using Google Analytics, which has transitioned to GA4, you may run into an issue where some data isn’t coming over due to the transition from GA3. Because CenterEdge webstores use the standard eCommerce data layer, we recommend you use Google Tag Manager to configure your site for tracking with GA4.
Google Tag Manager Introduction
Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a tool that extends the functionality and customization options of a website and is often used to gather eCommerce analytics or run other scripts on the site's pages. In GTM, Tags are an action to be performed on your webstore and Triggers are the event that initializes that action. You can set up tags to do a variety of things, such as add images or HTML to a page etc., but this document focuses on configuring your webstore to use Google Analytics 4 to capture important information about how people are using your store.
Import the Google Analytics 4 Example Tags
While Advantage Web does not directly support GA4, standard web analytics and conversion tracking can be configured for GA4 from within Google Tag Manager.
Download the attached JSON file and import it into your Google Tag Manager account to see the tags, triggers, and variables necessary to track purchases with GA4 successfully. You can see more detailed instructions below.
Import Instructions
- Log in to Google Tag Manager.
- Open the Admin tab.
- From the Container section, click Import Container.
- Click Choose container file to select the file to to import.
- Select if you would like to add the imported file to a new or existing workspace.CenterEdge recommends a new workspace so you can review the tag setup before integrating it with your existing tags.
If you select New:- Enter a title and description for your workspace.
- Click Save.
- Select the desired existing workspace.
- Enter a title and description for your workspace.
- After choosing a new or existing workspace select whether to Overwrite or Merge.
CenterEdge recommends overwriting in addition to using a new workspace (see previous step).
- Overwrite will remove all your existing tags, triggers and variables, and will replace them with those in the imported container. A new container version will be created before the import.
- You will need to select whether you want to overwrite or rename conflicting variables, triggers and tags.
Overwrite conflicting tags, triggers, and variables: If a variable, tag, or trigger in the new container has the same name but the contents are different, overwrite the old one with the new one. (If the contents are the same, there is no conflict.)
Rename conflicting tags, triggers, and variables: If a variable, tag, or trigger in the new container has the same name but the contents are different, rename the new one. (If the contents are the same, there is no conflict.)
- Click Continue.
- The preview dialog shows how many tags, triggers and variables will be added, modified, or deleted. Click View Detailed Changes to see a list of all the items that will be affected.
- Once you are satisfied with the changes that will be made, click Confirm.
- After confirming, click the GTM link in the top navigation to open the container code snippets, which you will need to keep on hand to copy and paste later.
Configure the Example Tags
- From GTM, click Tags in the left menu.
- Click the first tag.
- Click inside of Tag Configuration to edit it.
- Paste your Google Analytics Measurement ID into the Measurement ID field.
- Click Save.
- Repeat this process for the other tag so that they both have your measurement ID.
Install the GTM Container in Your Webstore
- With the code snippets from the previous step still open, open a new tab to log into your webstore as an admin.
- Click System Settings.
- Click Options.
- From the General section, click Analytics.
- You may have to click the down arrow to reveal more options depending on the size of your browser window.
- You may have to click the down arrow to reveal more options depending on the size of your browser window.
- Select Google Tag Manager from the drop-down list.
- Copy and paste the code snippets as described:
- Paste the <script> snippet into the Custom Header HTML field.
- Paste the <noscript> snippet into the Script field.
- Click Save.
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