A customer can only accrue one visit per day, regardless of tickets purchased or time period between purchases within the constraints of the same one-day period.
A customer walks in and buys a jump ticket. Then, a few hours later, that same customer buys another ticket for themselves. Those two instances still count as one visit. If the customer purchases a third, fourth, or 20th jump ticket on the same day, it is still one visit.
A customer can accrue multiple headcounts in one day if they purchase multiple inventory items that have been set up to go towards headcounts. These can be capacity tickets, birthdays/groups, Barcode Tickets, or POS buttons set to count one or more headcounts
Example - Individuals
A customer walks in and buys a jump ticket. Then, a few hours later, that same customer buys another ticket for themselves. Those two instances count as two headcounts. If the customer purchases a third ticket, then there are three headcounts. If the customer returns and purchases a jump ticket 20 times that same day, then that customer has 20 headcounts.
Example - Parties
If you book a birthday party for 28 kids, you will see the visit count go up by 1 and the headcount go up by 28. This is because the booking parent is the only customer tied to the sale and all the other attendees are not.
This is why the headcount reports total is usually so much higher than the total visit reports.
Learn more about Using Headcounts Effectively in Your Facility here.
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