Hello everybody, my name is Ashley and today we’re going to be creating a 10 For 8 Jump Pass.
First thing we are going to do is log into the system.
You need to go into Manager Console, and then we’re going to go to “Customers”.
We’re going to go into “Pass Types”. This is not the actual item that you will be selling, this is just where we setup all of the restrictions for the Pass.
We’re going to click “Add” new in the bottom-left.
For our Description, we’re going to say “10 for 8 Jump Pass” but you can call it anything that you like.
We’ve got “Pass Class”, you can have a “Non-Season Pass” or a “Season Pass”. We’re going to say “Non-Season Pass”. Really doesn’t matter which one you pick.
Then you’ve got “Layout Type”. Are we going to put it on a Card? Are we just going to attach it to the customer record?
If you have “None”, it’s just attached to the customer record. That way if they lose the card you can still look them up. You can also do that with “Card (With Swipe)”. We’re going to select “Card (With Swipe)”.
So then over on the right-hand side are where you have your restrictions.
We’ve got “Max Uses”, “Max Uses Per Day”; we’re going to say “Max Uses” is 10, because they can use it 10 times. But we only want them to be able to use it once a day, so we’re going to put “Max Uses Per Day” as 1.
You can also put a “Start Date” if you want to set it to where it can only be used during a certain period of time. Or if you want it to be a 30 day pass, you can set “Use Day’s Valid” and select that.
Then we’re going to go to our “Restrictions” tab.
This is where we say what day is it good for.
So we’ve got it selected that it’s going to be good for everyday, but you can restrict it to just Monday through Friday if you want. You can restrict it to the time.
And if you’ve got a toddler Pass, you can restrict it to the “Minimum Age” and the “Maximum Age” as well.
“Items” tab. This is where you’re going to put what the item is good for, or what the Pass is good for.
You’re going to “Add Item”, we’re going to say “60 Minute Jump”. The Price is going to be $0, because they’ve already paid for the Pass. So since they’ve already paid for the Pass, when we ring up the Jump, it’s going to be $0.
If you put something else in here, like $5, that means when you ring up the “60 Minute Jump” it is going to cost $5.
If you have the “Discount” selected, That means that it will Discount the price by $5.
For this Pass, we’re going to put $0.
“Devices” tab, you probably won’t be using this. This is if you have any doors that you actually have to scan a card at. Kind of like a Hotel room or something like that that has an access pass.
“Revenue”. This will be where you talk to your Accountant and decide if you want to “Defer the Pass Revenue” or not. If you choose to “Defer the Pass Revenue”, you can always call support and find out exactly what is entailed in that.
So we’re going to select “OK”, and now we’re gonna go actually create the item that we’re going to sell.
So we’re gonna go to our “Inventory”, “Item Maintenance”, and we’re going to “Add” an item.
We’re going to call this “10 for 8 Jump Pass”.
“Type of Item” is going to be a “Pass”, and now you’ll see over on the right-hand side, we now have Pass Type.
This will be where you would select your “10 for 8 Jump Pass” that we just created.
“Category” is going to be “Jump Tickets”, and then we go to our “Detail” tab.
On our “Detail” tab we’re going to put however much it’s going to cost.
I’m going to charge them $50.
We click “OK”, now we’re going to go onto the PoS screen and set up our “10 for 8 Jump Pass”.
Alright, so we’re going to setup and we are going to add in our Jump Pass.
Go to “All Divisions”, “Edit Screens”.
As you can see, I’ve got a “10 for 8 Jump Pass” already here.
I’m going to make sure it sells the correct item.
Now we’re gonna sign in.
Alright, so the first thing we’re gonna do is we’re going to click “10 for 8 Jump Pass”, we’re going to “End Order”. Then we’re going to say “Exact Change”, and “Complete the Order”.
We’re going to choose a “New Customer” and put in their information. And then we’re going to swipe a card.
Our transaction has now been completed, and now what’s going to happen is you can use the Pass.
So we’re going to go to “Jump Tickets”, we’re going to click “Open Jump”, “60 Minute”, and now I’m going to swipe the card that I have.
It’s going to pull up that I have a “10 for 8 Pass”, we’re going to say “OK”, and as you see it moves the price down to $0.
And we just end the pass, “Complete the Order”, and your client can go jump.
That is the end of the Passes video. If you have any questions or any concerns, or would like to know more, please reach out to us at 336-598-5934-Option2 for support.
Or reach out to training. Our email is support@CenterEdgeSoftware.com.
Thank you and have a good day.
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