A Category is a designation used to organize and filter inventory items for reporting purposes. Sub-Categories are divisions of items within a Category, which let you narrow down an item's purpose.� Items are also taxed at whatever tax rate is configured for the Sub-Category an item is in. When creating an inventory item, there are three required fields: Description, Category, and Sub-Category.
Entering values into these fields means you can narrow down inventory and sales reports in a logical way, pulling only related items very broadly or in a more granular way, depending on the information you want to view. For example, with the Sub-Category Sales Detail report, you can get a summary of sales information for only a single Category of items, which will be divided on the report by Sub-Category.
Possible Categories and Sub-Categories
The following are a list of examples of Categories a site might have and what Sub-Categories they might divide them into.
At the time of export, this article was last updated . Navigate here to see the latest version: https://support.centeredgesoftware.com/hc/en-us/articles/360036131113-Categories-and-Sub-Categories
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