Credit Card Setup contains a variety of options for customizing how credit card transactions and associated receipts behave. Learn what the options are below.
- From Manager Console, click Maintenance.
- Double-click System Settings.
- Double-click Credit Cards.
- Configure the Options tab as follows by selecting the options you want to be active.
How these settings apply may vary depending on what PIN pad and credit card processing setup you are using.
- Ask for last four credit card digits: Requires the entry of the last four digits of a credit card during a transaction.
- Require manual CVV2 code entry: Requires the customer to enter the three or four digit code on the back of their card.
- Enable credit card logging: This creates a folder in C:\CenterEdge\Logs on every station rather than just the server. This allows for troubleshooting from any station.
- Force CVV2 code match: This requires the three or four digit code on the back of their card to match what is scanned or swiped for the transaction to process. If Require manual CVV2 is selected, you should also select this.
- Force postal code match: This requires the postal code associated with the card to match the information from the PIN pad.
- Confirm amount threshold: The minimum price of a transaction where a customer must confirm the sale amount. Any prices above this amount will also need to be confirmed.
- Suppress merchant copy when not required: If a customer selects debit on the PIN pad and enters their PIN number, or if they sign for the transaction on the pin pad, a merchant receipt copy is not required. In these cases, if selected, a merchant copy will not print.
- Print the credit card receipt first: This will print the credit card receipt before the merchant copy.
- Print sales items on customer copy: If this is not selected, the customer copy will only contain the total amount of the transaction.
- Print signature on customer copy: Prints a customer signature, if applicable, on their copy of the receipt.
- Signature Retention: How long signatures will be stored.
- From the Card Types tab, select which card types you will accept.
- Each type can have its own Signature Threshold, after which a signature will be required.
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