Keeping track of personnel contact information, work departments, positions, pay rates, and other information is vital to any business with employees. Personnel Maintenance allows you store this information in a centralized location as well as adjust employee permissions and monitor changes to employee records.
Add New Employee
- From Manager Console, click Maintenance.
- Double-click�Personnel.
- Double-click Personnel Maintenance.
- The Personnel Maintenance window lets you filter existing personnel by Division. You can also select whether to view All, Active, Terminated, or Suspended personnel. Additionally, for use with the Classes module, you can select Instructors Only to filter out personnel who aren't instructors.
- The Personnel Maintenance window lets you filter existing personnel by Division. You can also select whether to view All, Active, Terminated, or Suspended personnel. Additionally, for use with the Classes module, you can select Instructors Only to filter out personnel who aren't instructors.
- Click�Add.
Enter at least a First Name, Last Name, and select a Security Group, which are the only required fields.
As a best practice, you should also assign an employee Card, which can be a physical card or just an employee number used to log in. Personnel who need access to Manager Console will have to be assigned a password. You will need to return to edit the new employee after the initial save to assign a password.
- Fill in any other fields in the Info tab you want to use.
- To enter additional contact information, open the Contact Info tab.
- If you need to enter a non-standard address, select Use Custom Address, which will remove the City, State/Prov, Postal Code, and Country fields and add an additional unlabeled Address field above.
- If you need to enter a non-standard address, select Use Custom Address, which will remove the City, State/Prov, Postal Code, and Country fields and add an additional unlabeled Address field above.
- To assign the employee to a Division, open the Divisions tab.
- Add as many Divisions as necessary.
- To assign an employee card or number, open the�Cards��tab.
- Click Assign Card to Employee to assign a custom card number, or Auto Generate Number to generate an unused number.
- If you have a fingerprint reader configured, you can also assign a fingerprint the employee can use to log in.
- If you have a fingerprint reader configured, you can also assign a fingerprint the employee can use to log in.
- If you are assigning a custom number, enter the number.
- Click�OK.
- Assign as many card numbers as you need.
- You can also delete card numbers by clicking the red X.
- To assign the employee to a Work Department and to a Position within that department, open the Work Departments tab.
- This tab also allows you to assign a pay rate, alternate employee number (often used for payroll export), and/or a Server ID. Read more about configuring these in the sections below.
- Add a Picture or any Notes to the personnel file using the last two tabs.
- You can also Print a Card for the employee from the Picture tab if a card printer is configured on the station.
- When you are finished configuring the personnel information, click OK.
- You will be prompted to assign a PIN number for the employee. We recommend using a standard initial PIN, such as 1234, because employees will be required to change their PIN the first time they log in.
- You will be prompted to assign a PIN number for the employee. We recommend using a standard initial PIN, such as 1234, because employees will be required to change their PIN the first time they log in.
- Click OK.
If the employee will need access to Manager Console, click Edit to return to editing their file.
You can only add a password to accounts that have been created and saved at least once.
- From the Cards tab, click Set Password.
- As with the employee PIN, we recommend setting a standard initial password, such as password1, because the employee will be required to change it when logging in the first time.
- As with the employee PIN, we recommend setting a standard initial password, such as password1, because the employee will be required to change it when logging in the first time.
- Click OK.
- A confirmation message appears.
- Click OK to save your changes.
Employee Information
It's important to keep an employee's information correct so they are paid for the correct position and department, as well as having a correct address for physical checks (if applicable) and tax forms.
- From Manager Console, click�Maintenance.
- Double-click�Personnel.
- Double-click Personnel Maintenance.
- Find and select the employee you want to update.
- Click Edit.
- Change any information as necessary. See below to learn how to make specific changes.
Reset Employee PIN or Password
If an employee forgets their PIN or password, only a user with the appropriate Personnel & Security Security Rights Index can reset these.
- Open the Cards�tab.
- Click�Reset PIN or Reset Password depending on which you need to reset.
- Enter and re-enter the password or PIN, keeping in mind the employee will have to reset these when they log in the first time.
- Click OK.
Employee Divisions
Divisions are a way for you to divide your site according to its purpose. This can be useful if you want to differentiate between sales and inventory needs for the sake of organization.
- Open the Divisions�ab.
- To change an existing division, select the appropriate division�Description from the list.
- To add additional divisions, click Add Employee Division.
- You can also remove divisions by clicking the red X.
- Click�OK.
Employee Work Department and Position
An employee's�Work Department and Position can impact their pay. It can also let employees know which work department and position they are assigned to when they clock in. An employee's assigned work department and position are highlighted green in Time Clock when employees clock in in Advantage 15.4 or later.
- Open the Work Departments tab.
- To change an existing work department, select it from the Department field.
- To change an existing position, select it from the Position Field.
- To add additional work departments or positions, click Add Department, or Add Position respectively.
- You can also remove either by clicking the red X next to it.
- To export this employee information with many payroll providers, you will need to enter an Alt Employee # configured for that provider.
- Click�OK.
Employee Pay Rate
An employee is paid based on their pay rate in�Personnel Maintenance. If they receive a raise or switch departments where there is a different pay grade, they may need their pay rate adjusted.
- Open the Work Departments tab.
- Click to View Default Pay Rate if this isn't visible.
- Enter the new Default Pay Rate, which is what the employee will be paid if a position pay rate is not individually customized.
- Click Apply to All to apply that rate to every of this employee's positions.
- Select whether or not they are a Salaried Employee.
- Enter any custom rates into the position Pay Rate field to designate pay when an employee clocks in under specific positions.
- Click OK.
Audit Employee Information Changes
If an employee's information is changed, you can track who has changed it, and when they changed it. This is useful when someone has made a mistake in changing an employee's information, as well as making sure that all changes are made by authorized employees.
- From Manager Console, click�Maintenance.
- Double-click�Personnel.
- Double-click Personnel Maintenance.
- Find and select the employee you want to update.
- Click�Audit Info.
- A list displaying when changes were made and what employee made them displays.
- A list displaying when changes were made and what employee made them displays.
Personnel Security Rights
Security Rights determine how much access employees have to your Advantage applications and what functions they are allowed to perform. Each employee is required to have a security level appropriate to their position.
Add a New Security Group
- From Manager Console, click�Maintenance.
- Double-click�Personnel.
- Double-click�Security.
- Click�Add.
- Enter a�Description such as Diner Manager.
- Click to expand groups and sub-groups of permissions.
- Click to select actions you want this group of employees to be able to perform.
- Click to remove actions you do not want this group of employees to be able to perform.
- When you are finished configuring permissions, click�OK.
Change Security Level Hierarchy
Security levels are set in a hierarchy that determines which security groups can make changes to others. A security group can't edit permissions for a security group above it in the hierarchy.
- From Manager Console, click�Maintenance.
- Double-click�Personnel.
- Double-click�Security Hierarchy.
- Select the Security Group�you want to move.
- Use the up and down arrows to move it in relation to the others.
- Click�Save when you are finished arranging the groups.
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