With the Time Clock module, you can export data and configure those exports with various settings, including those specific to certain payroll providers.
Export Settings
On the General tab of Time Clock Settings, you can configure export settings, which you should do before you try to export data for the first time.
- From the General tab, click Browse to select a directory to send data to.
- When you have picked a directory, select the Format based on your payroll provider.
- Time Clock supports exports to ADP, Paychex, Ceridian, Paylocity, and Payce. If you do not use these, choose CenterEdge.
For many formats you will need to have a number in the Alt Employee # field in the Work Departments tab of Personnel Maintenance.
- Time Clock supports exports to ADP, Paychex, Ceridian, Paylocity, and Payce. If you do not use these, choose CenterEdge.
- Enter the corresponding information into the fields that generate for the Format you choose.
- Click OK.
Export Time Clock Data
- From Manager Console, click Time Clock.
- Double-click Export Data.
- Select whether you want to Export by Week or Export by Pay Period.
- Select the time period you want to export.
- If you want to exclude some employees' data, click a column name and use they keyboard's arrow keys to scroll to the rightmost column.
- Deselect Send Data for any employee whose information you don't want to export.
This interface may vary depending on what Format you have selected.
- Click OK.
If you get an error about missing information, this means your employees require, but don't have, a number in the Alt Employee # field in Personnel Maintenance.
For some formats, you can temporarily manually enter these numbers into the leftmost column, which will allow you to run the export, but will not save the ids you enter to the employee's record.
Upon successful export, the software will tell you how much data was generated. You can find the exported data in the directory you selected from Time Clock Settings.
At the time of export, this article was last updated . Navigate here to see the latest version: https://support.centeredgesoftware.com/hc/en-us/articles/4416801547031-Exporting-Time-Clock-Payroll-Data
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