Accounts receivable is an accounting term for outstanding balances due to a company for goods or services that have already been received. In both Groups and POS, customers who have credit above $0.00 can charge their purchases to A/R, letting them pay at a later date. Learn how to set individual credit limits and a default limit here: Set Credit Limits for Customers and here: Change Default Customer Credit Limit respectively. Learn how to adjust employee credit limits here: Adjust Employee Credit Limit.
Set up the Tender Button
In order for anyone to charge to A/R, a separate tender button must be created in POS, one for customers and one for employees.
- From POS, click Setup.
- Click Start Pos Screen Design.
- Verify the correct Division is selected.
- Click Setup Tenders.
- Click an empty tender button.
- Select either A/R Customers or A/R Employees from the Tender Type field depending on which group of people you are creating the tender for.
- Enter new Button Text to display if applicable.
- Design the button by selecting a Text Alignment, Button Color, Text Font, Text Color or background image as necessary.
- Verify Show Tender is selected.
- Click OK.
- Repeat this process to create an A/R button for whichever group of people remains, if necessary.
Charge to A/R
- Ring up a customer in POS.
- Click End Order.
- Click either the customer or employee A/R tender button you created above.
- If you select, A/R Employees, you will be asked for the account credentials of whatever employee is charging.
- If the employee doesn't have a credit limit above $0.00 they will not be allowed to charge.
- If the employee doesn't have a credit limit above $0.00 they will not be allowed to charge.
- If you select A/R Customers and a customer is already attached to the order, a prompt will ask you to confirm that customer is the billing customer.
- If that customer is not the billing customer, or a customer is not already attached to the order, select or create a new customer.
- As with employee charging, a customer with a credit limit of $0.00 will not be allowed to charge
- Click Complete the Order.
Similar to purchases in POS, events can be finalized to A/R.
- Verify a till is cashed in when first opening the Groups application.
- Open the event you want to finalize to A/R.
- Open the Payment tab.
- Click Edit.
- Click Take a Payment.
- Click Pay Balance.
- You can only finalize to A/R by charging the full outstanding balance.
- Click Finalize Event to A/R.
- Confirm the transaction.
- Confirm you will close and finalize the event.
The event will be finalized without further action required. Remember that this can't be undone and you will not be able to make changes to the event afterward.
Access, Invoice, and Take Payments on A/R Accounts
You can access all your A/R accounts from either Manager Console, POS, or Groups.
- From Manager Console, click Cash Control.
- Double-click A/R Payments.
- Alternatively, from POS, click More Buttons.
- Click A/R Payments.
- Or, from Groups, click A/R Payments.
- Select whether the account you are looking for is for Customers, Consignment or an Employee.
- Learn more about Consignment, which uses A/R, here: Consignment.
- Learn more about Consignment, which uses A/R, here: Consignment.
- Select or search for the account.
Terminated employee A/R accounts are able to be filtered and searched for in the Employee A/R Account Type section. 19.1
- Locate the transaction.
- Invoicing transactions is not required in order to take payments on them, but it is required if you are going to Create a new Payment Plan in A/R
- If you want to skip invoicing and start taking payments, skip to step 18.
- If the transaction is Uninvoiced and you want to invoice it, click Invoice All or Generate New Invoice.
- Locate the purchase or purchases for which you want to create an invoice.
- Verify the button to the left of the purchase reads Clear to indicate it is selected.
- If it reads Select, click to toggle it to Clear.
- Click Create the Invoice.
- Confirm you want to create it by clicking Yes at the prompt.
- Select whether you would like to print or send the invoice.
- If you click Yes, choose whether to print, email, or cancel printing or emailing.
- To take a payment, click Pay Now next to the transaction you will be receiving payments towards.
- Select a payment method from the Payment Method pull-down list.
The invoice next to whichever Pay Now button you clicked will be selected to be paid against by default. This is indicated by the text in front, which reads Clear. Toggle which invoices you want to use by clicking that text. If the text reads Apply, no payments can be applied to that invoice. If the text reads Clear, payments can be made.
Enter an amount to pay in the Payment Amount field.
You can only select as many invoices with an Amount Due that can be paid or partially paid for by the amount in the Payment Amount field when distributed. If you have three invoices with Amounts Due of $50, $40, and $30, and enter $60 into the Payment Amount field, you could apply the payment to any two invoices, but not all three at once because the entire Payment Amount is applied and exhausted by the time two are applied. A Payment Amount of $90 could be distributed across any combination of the invoices, including all three. The amount is distributed such that each invoice you select gets sequentially paid, with the last one you select applying any remaining balance to the Payment Amount field. If there is any Unused balance from the Payment Amount field, it displays red next to that field. If you click Make The Payment with an Unused balance, you will be prompted to select whether you are sure you want to take the full amount. If you proceed, the extra balance will be recorded for review in your A/R reports, but it will not be associated with any invoice. The account will show as having a credit.
- To divide the Payment Amount across multiple invoices in the order each transaction occurred, click Auto Apply.
- Optionally, click Pay Balance to change the Payment Amount field automatically to whatever amount will completely pay however many invoices are selected.
- The most efficient way to use this tool is to first enter an amount into Payment Amount that is more than enough to cover whichever invoices you want to pay against. Select the invoices and then click Pay Balance. The Payment Amount field will automatically decrease to the exact amount required to pay off the combined Amount Due on each selected invoice.
- Click Make The Payment.
- Click Yes at the prompt confirming the total Payment Amount.
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